by Jennifer Suski, Membership Coordinator Joining a business membership organization like the Covington Chamber of Commerce may seem like an added expense when you're starting out or facing economic challenges, but it can provide the support your business needs to grow and thrive. Here are three reasons why investing in a chamber membership is a smart move: 1. Networking Building a strong network is a great way to raise the profile of your business and capture new contacts, leads, and customers over time. The Covington Chamber of Commerce offers a range of networking events, attended by businesses in the region each month. While you don't have to be a member to attend, members save on the cost. For example, while our Third Thursday Happy Hours are free to everyone, members pay $5 less at our monthly luncheons than non-members, saving $60 per year. 2. Marketing Opportunities A Covington Chamber membership also offers a range of promotional opportunities for members, helping them raise their profile, target new prospects or markets, and capture leads. One of our most popular and high-value benefits is advertising in our Covington Community and Business Guide. Members receive half off so instead of $1,050 for a half-page ad, they pay only $525. This guide is widely distributed throughout the region. We also have a wide range of sponsorship opportunities, starting at $100. 3. Website Marketing Each Covington Chamber member gets a free listing on our website with an option to upgrade, starting at $25. We also have online advertising opportunities and member-to-member offers. Members who contribute at the $750 level or above are also listed on our Good Work Fund page, giving them extra visibility. Starting at $300 a year, Covington Chamber memberships are a great investment, giving our members access to networking, advertising and promotional advertising opportunities. Learn more about how a Covington Chamber membership can help your business grow today! |
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